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Little by little! 262.4 Pounds. Down 0.5 pounds today. Down 1.2 pounds this week. Up 2.0 pounds this month. Down 17.6 since May 1.

Even though I've lost over 1 pound in 2 days, I still feel bad that I'm making up for ground I had gained prior to the weekend.

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What a relief! 262.9 Pounds. Down 0.7 pounds today. Down 0.7 pounds this week. Up 2.5 pounds this month. Down 17.1 since May 1.

I've gained weight this month, but I've turned the tide on my recent gains so I'm happy about that.

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That's a little better. 263.6 Pounds. Down 0.2 pounds today. Up 2.7 pounds this week. Up 3.2 pounds this month. Down 16.4 since May 1.

I stopped the bleeding, at least for a day. Yesterday was a very tough day, as I expected it would be.

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Out of the 260s and down 20 pounds! 259.4 Pounds. Down 1.0 pounds today. Down 1.5 pounds this week. Down 1.0 pounds this month. Down 20.6 since May 1.

I'm out of the 260s and I never want to go back. I've lost 20 pounds so far and feel great. What is amazing is ...

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