Another great day! 258.5 pounds. - 1.2 pounds today, - 5.1 pounds this week, - 1.9 pounds this month, - 21.5 pounds since May 1.

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Yesterday was a tough day. Things started out right but last night I made a big mistake by eating a little bite of something delicious and it was almost all over. The good news was that I recognized my mistake so I knew that the battle was on. The bad news is that my appetite was now stoked pretty high and it was going to take everything in me to keep from eating everything in sight. I'm thankful to say that I won the battle and even though I did eat a little after 5 p.m., I didn't go crazy and I was able to lose weight on the scale this morning. Besides that, two things helped me to lose weight. First, I had a full night of sleep. Second, I exercised twice, once on my indoor bike and I also went for a walk with my wife. We didn't go too far, but we went up and down a few hills so that helped. 

Today is going to be a great day. Tonight, however, might be a different story since I'll be eating after 5 p.m. We are meeting friends for dinner at a wonderful place in Marine on St. Croix that is right on the river. The food there is great and it the scenery is beautiful. It is a little chilly today with highs in the 60s, so my body will be in hibernation mode, meaning that I eat like a bear preparing for winter. If I can keep myself from having dessert and just eating one meal I should be fine. I've lost so much weight this week that I don't expect to lose weight again. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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