Wilderness Adventures. 260.7 pounds. -0.8 pounds today, - 0.8 pounds this week, - 5.3 pounds this month, - 19.3 pounds since May 1, - 72.3 pounds from my all-time high of 333 pounds.

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I spent the previous 4 days canoeing and portaging in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with family and friends. I burned a ton of calories and I expected to lose weight. That might have happened, had I not also eaten like a king. The 2 people in our party of 5 that planned and cooked the food made food that was both delicious as abundant. I don't know how many calories I burned, but it was a lot. I ate an equal amount of calories and perhaps lost 1 pound over the entire 4 days we were in the wilderness. This trip was magical and I don't regret eating like I did, but now that I am home it is time to lose weight. 

Today is going to be a day of transition of getting back to my normal life. It is going to be difficult as I don't have a plan. I don't know what today holds, which is scary. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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