Oh Yeah! 261.5 pounds. - 1.0 pounds today, - 3.8 pounds this week, - 4.5 pounds this month, - 18.5 pounds since May 1, - 71.5 pounds from my all-time high of 333 pounds.

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It feels good to make progress yet again. I watched the Ravens lose to the Chiefs last night. It was an entertaining game, but I wanted the Ravens to win. The good news for me is that I was able to keep from eating after 5 p.m. and I was rewarded on the scale this morning. 

Today is going to be a difficult day. I am going to be on the road as I have 3 meetings and and event to attend tonight. It is going to be tough not to over eat since I am going to be out of my routine, but we'll see what the day holds and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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