It's Never a Straight Line! 258.0 pounds. + 1.1 pounds today, - 2.6 pounds this week, - 2.5 pounds this month, - 22..0 pounds since May 1, - 75 pounds from my all-time high of 333 pounds.

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The weekend strikes again! I wasn't terrible in not following my plan yesterday, but I did eat after 5 p.m. and that is what did me in. I realize that this is a problem and that is half the battle. The other half of the battle is to do something about it. 

Yesterday started off well with a good workout and some time outdoors, but I didn't get outside as much as I would have liked since it rained off and on throughout the day. If I wouldn't have eaten after 5 p.m. and I would have done more outside I wouldn't have gained weight. Oh well. Today is a new day and time to start again. 

Today is going to be a struggle since it is a weekend day and it lacks structure. I hope to get outside since it is nice. It would be nice to get on the water, even if I don't go fishing. The key to losing weight is to not eat after 5 p.m. This is going to be a challenge because we are going to see my son play guitar at Waldmann Brewery, the oldest pub in St. Paul, having been established before the Civil War in 1857. It is a cool place and they have some great food. My hope for the day is to not gain weight. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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