Finally Turned the Corner! 260.8 pounds. - 1.1 pounds today, + 0.2 pounds this week, + 0.3 pounds this month, -19.2 pounds since May 1.

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That was 3 days of weight gain over the weekend that finally stopped yesterday. The same thing happened the weekend before. If I'm going to lose weight consistently I need to do a better job on the weekends.

Yesterday was a difficult day. From eating so much the day before my stomach was rumbling for much of the day, so I ate consistently throughout the day. However, I didn't eat too much, and that, combined with getting 8 hours of sleep and biking for 30 minutes in zone 2 allowed me to lose over a pound on the scale this morning. 

Today is going to be good day. I have a full day of work and the weather is beautiful so I hope to get outside tonight and do some work in the yard or go for a walk with my wife. If I do that, and I don't eat after 5 p.m., I hope to get out of the 260s again. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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