I called it! 259.4 pounds. + 0.9 pounds today, - 4.2 pounds this week, - 1.0 pounds this month, - 20.6 pounds since May 1.

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Well, that was no surprise. I won't call yesterday a failure since it was expected and it could have been worse. We went out to eat last night with friends and had a wonderful time eating besides the St. Croix River. I had a wonderful BLT and I avoided having dessert, which was an accomplishment since the options on the menu were amazing. When we got home I ended up munching on some snacks and I knew I was going to gain weight this morning on the scale, and sure enough I did. It is time to move forward.

Today is going to be a tough day. It is a Saturday so there isn't much structure and I have a tough time when there isn't structure. We are going fishing with friends in the afternoon so that will be a ton of fun, but being out on the water, especially if it is a little breezy, always makes me hungry. We are planning on bringing snacks and I hope not to eat like a pig. I'm going to try to eat something filling but not fattening before we go so I'm not as tempted to snack as I normally might be. I'm also going to try to drink plenty of water. We'll see how the fishing, and eating, goes today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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