Little by little! 262.4 Pounds. Down 0.5 pounds today. Down 1.2 pounds this week. Up 2.0 pounds this month. Down 17.6 since May 1.

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Even though I've lost over 1 pound in 2 days, I still feel bad that I'm making up for ground I had gained prior to the weekend. I need to let it go and move forward, but I also need to make sure that I learn the lesson so I don't repeat my mistake. I guess the trick is to remember this situation unemotionally. I need to tell myself, "O.K., a lesson was learned. Now it is time to move forward." Even writing this down and saying it out loud takes the emotional sting out of it. 

Yesterday was a great day. It rained all day, which we needed to keep things green outside. I managed to not eat too much yesterday, although I did eat a little after 5 p.m., but I didn't eat like a pig last night like I usually do. I had a good night of sleep and I exercised on my indoor bike for 30 minutes. I'm keeping myself in zone 2 for my heart rate and I feel great and my legs feel much stronger than before. I'm excited to be getting into better shape. 

Today should be a great day. The weather is going to be perfect. There isn't a cloud in th sky and the temperature will be in the 70s. I have a full day of work to keep me busy and I hope to get out after work for a walk. If I can do that and not eat after 5 p.m. I should lose weight. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!  

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