What a relief! 262.9 Pounds. Down 0.7 pounds today. Down 0.7 pounds this week. Up 2.5 pounds this month. Down 17.1 since May 1.

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I've gained weight this month, but I've turned the tide on my recent gains so I'm happy about that. Yesterday was a better day for me. I still didn't eat quite the way I wanted to because I ate after 5 p.m., but I avoided eating too much which was good. I had a full night of sleep and I also exercised, so I ended up losing weight on the scale this morning. 

Yesterday was hot so we went to a lake where my daughter went out on her brand new stand up paddle board. It was really fun to watch her and it made me want to get one myself. I always enjoy working out more when I do it outside. 

Today is going to be an indoor day. We are expecting to have rain all day. I'm very glad on days like today that I have an indoor bike to ride so I can get my workout in regardless of the weather. I hope to not eat too much today and to not eat after 5 p.m., but on cold, rainy days like today my body goes into hibernation mode and I tend to eat like a bear before winter. I hope not to do that. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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