Well that got away from me quickly. 263.8 Pounds. Up 2.7 pounds today. Up 2.9 pounds this week. Up 3.4 pounds this month. Down 16.2 since May 1.

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Oh boy. Just when I thought I was making great progress, I have days where I just let myself go. Yesterday wasn't a normal day. I went to a wedding last night and so I knew I was not going to be able to follow my plan. The only thing that went according to plan yesterday was getting 8 hours of sleep. Other than that, it wasn't good. I didn't exercise and I ate after 5 p.m., which there was no way around since we went to the wedding last night. 

The wedding was wonderful and the food was fantastic. I didn't need to load up my plate to overflowing, but I did. I didn't need to grab 3 pieces of dessert, but I did. So not only did eat after 5 p.m., but I ate way too much food throughout the entire day. I really paid for all of that gluttony on the scale this morning. I knew that was going to happen, I just didn't expect to gain nealy 3 pounds in one day!

Today isn't going to be much better. I have a funeral to go to and that makes me emotional. I am an emotional eater, so this is going to be a problem. I eat a lot when I'm sad to make me feel better. I eat when I'm happy to celebrate something good that has happened. Eating is too much of a coping mechanism for me. I need to deal with this. I hope to not eat too much today with the sadness of the funeral. We'll see what happens and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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