I should have seen that coming. 261.1 Pounds. Up 1.7 pounds today. Up 0.2 pounds this week. Up 0.7 pounds this month. Down 18.9 since May 1.

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Yikes, that wasn't good. I thought yesterday might not go well and it didn't. I had 3 meetings at restaurants with people for my job yesterday and that led me to eating way too much, and not just at the meetings. Last night I also indulged myself as I ate like I hadn't had a meal in weeks. I knew I was going to pay a price on the scale this morning, but I didn't know it was going to be such a big price to pay. The good news is that I didn't get a dessert for myself at Cafe Latte. That is a major victory in and of itself. 

So what did I learn from this experience? Well, I should try to not have 3 meetings at restaurants in one day. That would be a good start. Then, I need to really work hard to not eat after 5 p.m., especially when I have eaten a lot prior. It's as if I don't have an "off" switch when I eat at night. Ugh. I need to do a better job of controlling myself. Eating sensibly during the day will help that. 

Today is going to be a difficult day and there isn't any way around that. We have a wedding to go to tonight and it is going to be a lot of fun. I don't think the meal after the wedding is going to be a buffet, but I need to be prepared for that possibility. (Buffets are my mortal enemy.) After having gained 1.7 pounds in one day, I really hope to not put on weight again today. We'll see what happens and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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