Self-fulfilling prophecy. 261.4 Pounds. Up 0.9 pounds today. Up 0.9 pounds this week. Down 9.1 pounds this month. Down 18.6 since May 1

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All good things must come to an end I guess. This is especially true if you work to bring them to an end, which I think I did yesterday. I did not follow my plan yesterday. I ate too much, and most importantly, I ate after 5 p.m. I did get a good night of sleep but I didn't exercise, either, and I paid the price on the scale this morning. 

Last night my wife made a wonderful meal and I thought that I would enjoy a little of it. We'll, there is a reason I try not to eat after 5 p.m., and last night was a perfect example of why I don't want to do that. 

When I ate dinner I couldn't stop myself from eating more, and then some more. I didn't eat as much as I have in the past, but I did eat too much and It showed up on the scale this morning. 

Today is a new day and a chance to get back on track. I have a full day of work and meetings to keep me busy. I hope to exercise and get a full night of sleep. If I can do that and not eat after 5 p.m. I hope to lose weight again. We'll see what happens and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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