Again? 260.9 Pounds. Down 0.9 pounds today. Down 6.1 pounds this week. Down 9.6 pounds this month. Down 19.1 since May 1

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Yesterday was yet another great day. I ate right, slept right, and exercised right. The result was being rewarded again on the scale this morning. I'm especially happy because weekend days are so unpredictable, so it is hard to stick with a plan for the day. The biggest thing I did right yesterday was to not eat too much or to eat after 5 p.m. 

It was really hot yesterday so I didn't spend much time outside, but the time I was outside was fairly taxing just because of the heat. I was really happy to that my recumbent bike is indoors given how hot it was outside. 

I love training in zone 2, but it is a struggle to stay in that fat burning zone, since the heart rate is supposed be stay below 70% of the maximum heart rate. Sometimes it feels like I'm barely working, so it is hard to believe that I'm accomplishing anything, but the results are there and I am losing weight. 

Today is going to be another hot day outside. I'm not sure what we will do as a family, but I hope to follow my plan again today. I've lost a lot of weight this week so I don't expect to lose weight again. We'll see what happens and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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