I'm Shocked! 261.8 Pounds. Down 0.5 pounds today. Down 5.2 pounds this week. Down 8.7 pounds this month. Down 18.2 since May 1

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Well that was a shock! I had a steak dinner last night and I still lost weight! After having lost a lot of weight this week I didn't expect to lose weight again, especially after having a steak dinner last night. Imagine my surprise when I got on the scale this morning and I lost 0.5 pounds. 

Looking back I realize that there were things I did that contributed to my success. First, I didn't have lunch, so I offset some of the calories I ate last night. Second, I exercised. I rode my recumbent bike for 30 minutes and it felt great. I stayed in the fat burning heart rate zone, zone 2, and that made a difference, I'm sure. Finally, I had a great night of sleep. I slept for a good 8 hours. I can't explain how great I feel today!

I know I have a long way to go but I need to enjoy my victories when I have them, especially when they are so hard won. 

Today is going to be a somewhat difficult day, as weekend days almost always are because I am out of my routine and I don't have a good plan for how to attack the day. It is going to be very hot today. I'd like to get outside to exercise, but I'm not sure I will be up for that. We'll see what happens and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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