That wasn't easy. 267.4 Pounds. Down 1.6 pounds today. Down 2.7 pounds this week.

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I followed my plan exactly yesterday, but it wasn't easy. My main goal was to fast all day, which I did, but I had a headache as a result of doing this. I did exercise and I had a full night of sleep, so that was good. 

Fasting all day was not difficult in terms of avoiding food. That was actually easy. The hard part came last night when I woke up at 1:30 a.m. and had a headache. That wasn't fun. I don't do well with headaches. I had a hard time getting back to sleep, but eventually I did. 

My exercising on my indoor bike was difficult as well. The most difficult part of this was keeping my heart rate down in my target zone 2 range. Zone 2 training feels great and it is actually easy since you are not supposed to have your heart rate be very high. The difficult part for me was actually keeping my heart rate low and making it feel like I was actually working hard at all. If I didn't have a heart rate monitor I'm sure I would have been above my target heart rate the entire time. I feel great after having done this for 30 minutes.

Today is going to be a difficult day. I have work to keep me busy but then we are getting together with relatives and the food is going to be amazing. I need to try to keep my intake at a normal level. We'll see what happens, and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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