272.4 Pounds. Down 0.7 pounds today. Down 2.6 pounds this week. Yes!

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Yesterday was a really good day. I followed my plan pretty well, although not perfectly, but good enough to see results on the scale this morning. I had a good night of sleep. I didn't exercise like I had wanted, and I ate after 5 p.m., but I didn't eat anything crazy. My wife made a wonderful meal of tacos and I managed to eat slowly so I didn't overindulge. For all of this I was rewarded on the scale this morning!

Today is going to be a great day. I have a full day of work to keep me occupied and to help keep me from overindulging. Tonight I am going to mow the lawn so I'll get some exercise doing that. We have had a ton of rain this year and a lot in the past week, so tonight is my window of being able to mow. 

If I can eat, sleep, and exercise according to plan I should lose weight. We'll see what happens, and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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