275.0 Pounds. Up 1.6 pounds today. Up 1.6 pounds this week. Ugh.

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This weekend wasn’t good. I ate too much and I paid the price on the scale this morning. I gained 4 pounds in 3 days. To say that I didn’t really care what I ate would be very accurate. I ate with abandon. I didn’t care about the scale and so I shouldn’t be surprised at the result.

I had a good deal of yard work outside of the house to do so I was active, but I need to get into the routine of doing similar things each day, like exercise, sleep habits, and eating habits. If I live my life in a random way then I will get random results. I need to become disciplined, but I need to start with baby steps.

My first baby steps today need to be around making progress on not eating too much food. I also need to exercise. I plan on doing that tomorrow morning. We’ll see what happens, and we’ll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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