It Has Been a Long Week! 263.3 pounds. - 0.3 pounds today, - 0.5 pounds this week, + 2.9 pounds this month, - 16.7 pounds since May 1, - 69.7 pounds from my all-time high of 333 pounds.

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What a week. I'm amazed that I haven't gained more weight. It has been a while since I last posted, almost 10 days now, because I've been embarrassed by my lack of commitment and weight gain. 

It has been a difficult last 10 days as I have thrown caution to the wind in terms of my eating. We had a daughter go off to college and we had our whole family together and we celebrated, which in my case means eating a lot of great food. I knew I was going to gain weight and I guess I should be glad I didn't gain more. Now is the time to get back with the program and I hope to made really good progress, starting today. 

Today should be a good day. I have a full day of work to keep me busy and then I have to mow the lawn tonight. If I can keep from eating after 5 p.m. and get some exercise and proper sleep I feel confident about losing weight again. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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