I'm Amazed I Didn't Gain More! 259.4 pounds. + 1.4 pounds today, + 1.4 pounds this week, - 1.1 pounds this month, - 20.6 pounds since May 1, - 73.6 pounds from my all-time high of 333 pounds.

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I knew I had gained weight yesterday, the only question was how much. I got on the scale this morning with fear of what I would see. I knew I gained over 1 pound, but how much more. Since I gained less than 2 pounds I was amazed, given how much food I ate last night at the brewery where my son played guitar. The food was great, as was the music, and I didn't let the thought of my morning date with the scale slow me down. It felt great in the moment, but not so much this morning. Consequences for wrong behavior isn't fun, but it is a reality. Ugh. The good news from yesterday is that I did manage to ride my bike in Zone 2 for 30 minutes, so I have that going for me.

So what to do today? Well, I still feel full this morning from everything I ate yesterday, so I'm going to go as long as I can without eating food today. I have a full day of work and chores to do after work, so we'll see how that all goes. Putting off eating might backfire and cause me to eat too much. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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