A New Low! 258.1 pounds. - 1.8 pounds today, - 2.5 pounds this week, - 2.4 pounds this month, -21.9 pounds since May 1.

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I just hit a new low and it feels wonderful! I've been hovering around the 260 mark for over 2 weeks so it feels good to finally get beyond that. Yesterday was a great day with following my plan by getting 8 hours of sleep, exercising in Zone 2 for 30 minutes, and not eating after 5 p.m. (I had a few crackers and cheese last night but that didn't move the needle too much.) 

Last night was wonderful as we went to an art show in White Bear Lake where my son played guitar. The paintings were beautiful and the music was fantastic. This kept me busy and outside of a few crackers and cheese I didn't eat anything else after 5 p.m.

Today is going to be a great, but challenging day. I have a full day of work to keep me busy and we are going out to eat with friends tonight. I hope to skip a meal, or two, prior to going out to eat. I hope to lose weight but given that I lost almost 2 pounds yesterday I'm not counting on it. We'll see how today goes and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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