Finally Out of the 260s, Again! 259.9 pounds. - 0.7 pounds today, - 0.7 pounds this week, - 0.6 pounds this month, -20.1 pounds since May 1.

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Success! I am out of the 260s yet again. I have learned that it is a fight to not only achieve these milestones, but I need to keep on fighting to maintain them. It can be so easy to take my foot off the gas when I achieve a goal. Hey, why not, I worked hard to get here. Shouldn't I be rewarded with--FOOD?! We see that attitude has gotten me. 

Yesterday I was thinking about fasting all day. I didn't do that because I have been working out with weights and I want to build some muscle mass. That isn't going to happen without food, specifically protein. So I did eat, but thankfully I didn't eat after 5 p.m. I also exercised and had 8 hours of sleep. I also mowed the lawn and that helped to burn some calories. It felt great to be rewarded on the scale this morning with losing enough weight to get out of the 260s. 

Today is going to be a great day. I have a full day of work to keep me busy and I'm going to watch my son play guitar at an event tonight. That will keep me busy and it is so fun to watch my son play his original music that I shouldn't be tempted to eat after 5 p.m. My challenge for the next few days is to get as far from the 260s as possible. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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