The Curse of the Pizza! 261.9 pounds. + 1.3 pounds today, + 1.3 pounds this week, + 1.5 pounds this month, -18.1 pounds since May 1.

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My experiment with the outdoor pizza oven didn't go well yesterday. When I fist built the oven I baked a few frozen pizzas on it and that went fairly well. Yesterday was a different story, at least for me. 

The whole family was together and we were making our individual pizzas from scratch, well not completely. We bought pizza dough from Trader Joe's and we had never used that before. I went first and I spread out the dough and I thought it was going to be too thin. I topped the pizza with sauce, some veggies and mozzarella cheese and fired away. Besides having the oven too hot and slightly burning my hand, it turns out I had twice as much pizza dough as I should have. The personal sized pizza turned out to be the equivalent of very large pizza, and of course I ate the whole thing. I felt stuffed when I was done.

In addition to the pizza I ate a fair bit of other food yesterday as well. I did exercise and had a full night of sleep, but all of that food resulted in gaining over a pound of weight on the scale this morning. I need to get back with the program.

Today is going to be a great day. I have a full day of work to keep me busy and it is a beautiful day outside. I hope to get outside to exercise. If I can do that and not eat after 5 p.m. I should lose weight. We'll see what happens today and we'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

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